Red Chip Ventures
3101 Cobb Pkwy SE #124
Atlanta, GA 30339
EPSIM Corporation
1942 Broadway Suite 314Boulder, CO 80302
As a reselling partner of ENERGIS you will get the confidence of a strong developing team behind you, 24/7 support and technical help.
However, ENERGIS lets you be creative in finding the optimal solution and allows you to take full care of your end customer by yourself.
For more information call +1-703-777-3222 or email
Partner Relationships
Value Added Reseller
Our value-added resellers have their own team, ideas and (although not necessarily from the start) an established customer base. Instar delivers the software product ENERGIS and support. The support is the largest in the beginning, including a wide range of assistance or reference visits of customers already using ENERGIS. Along the way, appropriating the ENERGIS and customizing it for their clients the VARs get more creative in their own solutions. Eventually, they operate very independently as our partners and need our support only very occasionally. We also welcome them, their colleagues and many customers at our annual users’ conference.
System Integrator
The system integrators we cooperate with sell energy management solution with ENERGIS as a final product supplied for the client either by Instar or our VAR. They usually have a wide established customer base to which they provide a set of services already and offer ENERGIS as an additional solution for energy management – that was lacking in their portfolio – to enhance their services.
Sales Representation
It is up to our sales representatives to search for potential clients for Instar or the VARs. As per usual they set up meetings, make presentations, and have ENERGIS demo at their service together with a template of a contract.
Support offered to our business partners:
- training
- hotline
- continuous assistance
- courses for new updates of ENERGIS
- reference visits with established clients
- participation in web conferences
- participation in important meetings
- ENERGIS demo
- invitation to annual users’ conference