The philosophy of the company is to allow the users to learn and to engineer the best possible solution themselves through the ENERGIS platform. Therefore, it is always the client who is in charge of energy management and can build their own energy efficiency control system, from a simple project to a whole team or department.

INSTAR ITS has been focused on energy management since its establishment in 1991 when the founders of the company – with solid experience in implementation of IT solutions in various industry sectors – decided to switch from software development on demand to product development.

Since then the ENERGIS platform is under permanent improvement to meet most of the customers’ needs in energy management. During the past 26 years, around 100 clients (from different fields of industry, commercial areas, and utilities) have accomplished significant savings of over $1.5 billion. Average savings reached by using ENERGIS-based solution are 10% cut from energy budget and payback of the projects has always been less than 2 years.

Since starting in the business, INSTAR ITS has teamed up with independent contractors or big customers to develop in partnership new solutions for energy management: INSTAR ITS provided the technology (software tool ENERGIS and support), while the partners knowing the target market designed the particular energy management solution and provided complete services to the end-users.

INSTAR ITS has been adapting business models of cooperation so that all parties involved achieve maximum benefit in the process. Besides generating profit, the partners (contractors or big customers) have become almost immediately the energy management leaders in their segment of the business.